Every year I bake and give my Grandmother's Russian tea cakes to friends over the holidays. I make cute decorated baskets (recycled from the tomatoes I buy all year) and watch people delight in the sweet / nuttiness of the little cookies. It is a great way to keep my grandmother's baking tradition's alive and this year it will be exchanged with a #dough4good campaign to support GlamourGals. You can read more here glamourgals.org/cookie to find the three sweet ways your cookie baking can give this holiday season!
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A Model DaughterEvie Hirschhorn
00:00 / 03:16
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Mothers and Daughters
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Teacakes are the best snakes you can have in the evening. In our family, we usually bake those to have in our meal too. Further, I use to eat them while working for crypto exchange software solutions, There are no doubts that it give relaxation when you eat while working
Rachel, that sound you may hear is our sighing over your Russian tea cakes. And Glamour Gals is an organization that we're proud to know. We're spreading the word....